SMS was founded by Ad and Cees Schoormans in an old lock-up garage on Lieven de Keijstraat in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Construction of the new premises for SMS on Swaardvenstraat, Tilburg.
Directors: Ad Schoormans, Cees Schoormans, Jan Kuijpers
In 1995, work began on the construction of the current business premises; by that time, the company had expanded into a fully-fledged tool manufacturing company with 5 employees.

The introduction of the 1st CNC machining centre.
The construction of the new premises for SMS & the founding of WTS on Hermesstraat, Tilburg.
In 2006, we developed the ART concept, to which end we set up ART (eur) as a project management company for China.
In 2009, we merged with SMS Stamp Tool & Mould Technologies BV in Tilburg, the Netherlands, who specialise in manufacturing A class high speed stamping Dies.
Caulil’s cylindrical grinding company is acquired by the ART Group and continues under the name “CCG Caulil Cylindrical Grinding”.